It is time for another drop of painted parts over at! We’ve got some brand new pieces, some restocks, and the very first pieces we’ve ever carried from a brand new LegionsShop artist!
So first things first – we are thrilled to welcome longtime Legions fan and customizer, Zombie13, to the growing family of LegionsShop artists! We have known Zombie forever and we’ve always loved his work. Being able to add some pieces painted by him to our sale is very, very exciting! We have some Bear Helmets painted to work great with the recently released Barbarian figure from Reinforcements! We also have some Mole-kin heads from Von Burke Studios, and a brand new take on the “Vampire Creature” from Immortal Collections! All of these are IN STOCK now with Zombie’s amazing paint work (you can see some pics below)!

We have also stocked some painted pieces from Lord Steven Biesiada! New versions of the “Stoic” and “Scarred” orc heads that were sculpted by Emil Wickman. These heads are great additions to help you diversify your green-skinned orc forces!

The amazing Oni heads from Immortal Collections are also back in stock as painted pieces! These sold out super fast when we launched them a short time ago and we immediately requested more! We now have them available, but we do not know when, or even IF, we will get them again. So if you have had your eye on these, NOW is the time to grab them!

Finally, we also put Jeremy back to work restocking some of our recently sold out pieces, including the Black Knight Legion Builder version of our “Hole-y” Knight head, and both bone and “poison” versions of our Demon Skull. Oh, as an added bonus, we also got the Mythic Customs treatment on our super-popular Vampire Knight helmet! Jeremy painted some of those up to also match the Black Knight!

All of these painted parts are available NOW – as are many painted and unpainted heads and parts (see some samples below), but quantities are very limited. Head over to now to place your orders for these, and many other items – and stay tuned for an upcoming sale drop of some amazing new items, all of which will be exclusive to
