Are you ready for today's sale at (Satruday, 6/19)? We have been working very hard to assemble an amazing offering for this sale, bringing back restocks of some very popular items which sold out previously, and also adding a number of brand new items to the catalog! You can see some of those custom 3D-printed parts, soft goods, and more in the image below! As always, these items will be IN-STOCK and we will begin shipping orders from the sale starting next week. That also means that we have limited quantities of ALL these items, however! While LegionsShop is always open for business, item stock does come and go, so if you do not want to wait for a possible restock on an item, be sure to get yours fast!

One important note - we remain committed to offering painted versions of the products we offer so that non-customizers can enjoy them as well. To that point, some of the new 3D parts which we will have in this sale will be unpainted only, for now! We are working to get those painted as well, so if you would prefer a painted version, just be patient. We will add those in the next sale.
Finally, in addition to these custom parts, we will also have some other surprises in the sale, including a handful of full customs made by Jeremy "Mythic Customs" Girard and some super rare Mythic Legions figures that we recently acquired specifically for LegionsShop! Those customs and grail-level rarities are all limited to only 1 of each, so do not sleep on those items if something catches your eye!
The sale kicks off TODAY at 3pm EST. As always, thank you for your continued support of LegionsShop!