We have a number of updates on LegionsShop we wanted to share, including the BIG news on this year's "Mythic Weekend"!
First off, all orders placed before yesterday should now be on the way. Our apologies for the delayed shipping on a few of those. Our small team was swamped prepping for the ToyConNJ event (more on that shortly) and we got a bit backed up. Those items are on the way to you now! Thank you for your support and patience!
On the subject of sales - if you haven't already done so, be sure to swing by StoreHorsemen.com to get in on their Deluxe Legion Builders 1 pre-order! Those bodies are the perfect bases to use with many of the custom heads we have here at LegionsShop! That preorder runs until 5/1 at 9pm EST. After that order period is done, we WILL have those same figures available for pre-order here on the Shop - and great news, because of the amazing support from all our customers, we have been able to lower our pre-order deposit prices down to only $1! That's right, you drop $1 up front to secure the pre-order and the remainder, plus shipping, is due when the items are on the way to us.
As for sales of custom parts, we are planning a BIG drop of products, including brand new painted and unpainted pieces, restocks of previously sold out items, and full custom figures in mid-June! We will post the exact date soon so you are ready, but expect a fun sale with LOTS of great new stuff, along with our impressive catalog of existing, in-stock items!
Finally, THANK YOU to all the fans who swung by the booth at ToyConNJ last weekend. It was great to meet so many fellow Legions fans! We had a blast, but that show (as awesome as it was) was just a small taste of what is happening this November! Mythic Weekend has been announced for November 12-14! This includes two days of ToyConNJ and LegionsCon on the 13th and 14th! LegionsShop will obviously have a HUGE presence at this show, and we will have some amazing guests from the world of Legions at LegionsCon - including Four Horsemen Studios and tons of customizers, artists, photographers, and FANS! You can learn more about this show and see the already impressive guest list (which is still getting bigger - many more to announce!) at www.LegionsCon.com. We hope to see you there!
In the meantime, be on the lookout for that mid-June sale drop. We have some awesome stuff we are working on and can't wait to get it all out to you!
